How does your garden grow?

Gardening is hard work.

The preparation of the soil is not just to throw seeds on the earth but to dig deep into the root system to eradicate any growing weed you don’t want in your garden. If you don’t, you will have unwanted weeds in your garden and the vegetables will fight for the nutrients to produce.  They unfortunately loose the battle to the weeds.

Ironically the weeds don’t need special nutrients to grow.  They can grow in sand, clay, rocks, wet, dry and even saturated wetlands. The soil is tested to see if it has any nutrients in it to grow flowers or vegetables.

You know this is really hard work and costly.  There must be a better way to create your very own vegetable garden than to recreate soil that has been abandoned. Sometimes you have to start from scratch and build your own garden without the trouble of weeds in your garden.

To scrap that whole process, go with the raised bed idea and plant up. Don’t forget to place a barrier to prevent the moles from attacking your young roots.  They have a hard time chewing through mesh.  Create your own recipe with the right nutrients in the compost and mulch to give you a plentiful harvest.

Course there are other problems you will have to deal with as the plants take on form and leaf out.  The four legged creatures as in deer, will enjoy your platter of green leafy vegetables. The insect kingdom is immense and ready to delve into your kingdom of vegetables. Be prepared with any weapon as in soapy sprays, rotten egg smells, and of course lady bugs to attach the aphids. Just know they are coming.

Your life is your garden.

Prepare your soil with nutrients from God’s Word.  Feed it daily with more truths.  Plant seeds of wisdom and knowledge so they can grow into strong plants to be shared with the masses. Let those seed multiply with the warmth of the Son’s love. Living water reaches to the roots of the soul so water daily.

Be prepared of the foes that destroy. Fend them off with words of truth and knowledge.  Know the enemies sneaky tactic as it seeks to devour the young in the darkness of night.  Be vigilant. Be watchful. Pray without ceasing.

The harvest will be plentiful. Rejoice!

Bon Appetit!

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